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Wordpress Version 2.1

Discussion in 'Wordpress' started by ngkong, Jan 25, 2007.

  1. ngkong

    ngkong Administrator Staff Member Banned Permanent

    Dec 5, 2005
    Likes Received:
    kalo repost hapus ya...

    ada 550 bug yang dibenerin

    fiture baru:
    ° Autosave makes sure you never lose a post again.
    ° Our new tabbed editor allows you to switch between WYSIWYG and code editing instantly while writing a post.
    ° The lossless XML import and export makes it easy for you to move your content between WordPress blogs.
    ° Our completely redone visual editor also now includes spell checking.
    ° New search engine privacy option allows you take you to indicate your blog shouldn’t ping or be indexed by search engines like Google.
    ° You can set any “page” to be the front page of your site, and put the latest posts somewhere else, making it much easier to use WordPress as a content management system.
    ° Much more efficient database code, faster than previous versions. Domas Mituzas from MySQL went over all our queries with a fine-toothed comb.
    ° Links in your blogroll now support sub-categories and you can add categories on the fly.
    ° Redesigned login screen from the Shuttle project.
    ° More AJAX to make custom fields, moderation, deletions, and more all faster. My favorite is the comments page, which new lets you approve or unapprove things instantly.
    ° Pages can now be drafts, or private.
    ° Our admin has been refreshed to load faster and be more visually consistent.
    ° The dashboard now instantly and brings RSS feeds asynchronously in the background.
    ° Comment feeds now include all the comments, not just the last 10.
    ° Better internationalization and support for right-to-left languages.
    ° The upload manager lets you easily manage all your uploads pictures, video, and audio.
    ° A new version of the Akismet plugin is bundled.

    sumber: http://www.johnchow.com/new-wordpress-21-ella/
  2. brokencode

    brokencode Guest

    Di version.php
    $wp_version = '2.0.7';
    $wp_db_version = 3441;

    Belum final ya ?
  3. lolak

    lolak Guest

    sudah aku pakai memang lebih top!
  4. The-Kids

    The-Kids Administrator

    May 22, 2006
    Likes Received:
    $wp_version = '2.1';
    $wp_db_version = 4772;

    kayaknya masih download yang beta tuh.
  5. Siswanto

    Siswanto Hero

    Apr 16, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Kok gak bisa download ya???
  6. milanisti

    milanisti Ads.id Pro

    Sep 28, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Bisa bos.....
  7. jowo

    jowo Ads.id Fan

    Dec 21, 2006
    Likes Received:
    masih trial kayaknya mau nyobain jadi males maklum koneksi make warnet sih.

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