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Third-party ads now available on the Google content network

Discussion in 'Selingan' started by gajul, May 23, 2008.

  1. gajul

    gajul Ads.id Starter

    Apr 17, 2006
    Likes Received:
    baru dapet email dari google sbb :

    Third-party ads now available on the Google content network

    Greetings from Google!

    We're happy to announce that the Google content network now
    accepts display ads served from qualified third-party vendors.
    During this initial release, only ads in English are eligible,
    although we look forward to offering more options in the future.

    By accepting third-party ads, we can attract a greater variety of
    advertising on the Google content network, which we believe will
    result over time in increased revenue for publishers and more
    relevant advertising for end users.
    bla bla bla

    If you choose to allow third-party ads on your site, please update
    your privacy policy to inform your visitors that third-party
    vendors may serve ads on your site. Please also provide links to
    these vendor websites and inform your users that they may opt out
    of cookies (if the vendor offers this capability).

    bla bla bla....

    apakah ini artinya kita bisa nempelin ads di halaman selain dari google? dari adbrite misalnya?
    menurut rekan alternatif apa selain google adsense yang bisa kita tampilin bersama dalam content kita?

    terima kasih.
  2. malaekat

    malaekat Newbie

    May 19, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Kalo menurutku... skrg google punya client baru yaitu yang disebut pihak ketiga.

    Kita bisa publish iklan dari pihak ketiga tersebut pada website kita, utk ningkatin pendapatan GA kita.

    Bener begitu gak seh...??
  3. raedyfor

    raedyfor Super Hero

    Feb 3, 2008
    Likes Received:
    yap kayaknya emank begitu
  4. alifpmcki

    alifpmcki Newbie

    May 1, 2008
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    Email dari adsense ini artinya apa ?

    Begitu buka email , kok ada dari adsense , cuma saya kurang familiar dengan bahasanya , mohon bantuin dong di artikan ke bahasa indonesia ku tercinta. Trims sebelumnya atas bantuannya.

    isi emailnya :

    Greetings from Google!

    We're happy to announce that the Google content network now
    accepts display ads served from qualified third-party vendors.
    During this initial release, only ads in English are eligible,
    although we look forward to offering more options in the future.

    By accepting third-party ads, we can attract a greater variety of
    advertising on the Google content network, which we believe will
    result over time in increased revenue for publishers and more
    relevant advertising for end users.

    If you're currently opted in to image ads, you're already able to
    receive third-party ads. If not, you can enable image ads to start
    receiving third-party ads immediately. (Learn how to enable image
    ads at

    If you choose to allow third-party ads on your site, please update
    your privacy policy to inform your visitors that third-party
    vendors may serve ads on your site. Please also provide links to
    these vendor websites and inform your users that they may opt out
    of cookies (if the vendor offers this capability). For more
    information about updating your policies, visit

    You'll continue to have full control over which ads appear on your
    site with tools like competitive ad filtering and the Ad Review
    Center. Also, only advertisers with whom we have proven
    relationships and who've clearly demonstrated commitments to our
    quality standards may participate in this program. Our policies
    governing ad content and formatting remain unchanged.

    To learn more about third-party ads, please visit our blog post at
    and our FAQ at
    If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to contact us at
    [email protected].


    The Google AdSense Team

    Google Inc.
    1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
    Mountain View, CA 94043


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