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Saya takut di banned nih...?

Discussion in 'Account GA di-Banned' started by camel, Sep 22, 2006.

  1. camel

    camel Ads.id Pro

    Sep 15, 2006
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    Halo pren2,

    saya baru pasang GA dua minggu yl. Kayaknya saya pernah tak sengaja klik sekali di adsense sendiri, pas pertama kali. Dan di report memang muncul satu klik tanpa earning.., trus klik yg kedua n ketiga (baru tiga klik nih..) baru muncul earningnya. Trus lagi kalo impression sengaja juga ada beberapa kali (ngetes).
    Apa ada yg pengalaman ga sengaja klik sekali trus dibanned? Kabarnya si gugel biasanya ngebanned setelah earningnya hampir cepek dollar? kan bisa sutris kalo udah mo dapet cek dibanned?
    Please sharing dong pengalamannya...

    Trims buanyak
  2. toocool

    toocool Ads.id Fan

    Aug 5, 2006
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    Pengalamanku, klo kt ga sengaja ngeklik ads sendiri, langsung email ke google aj. Ga di banned, aplg br 1 klik. Cm biasanya u/ fraud klik yg "terampuni" oleh Google nilainya ga dihitung.
  3. radeondt

    radeondt Ads.id Starter

    May 22, 2006
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    bos emailnya google adsense apa bos ? biar saya bisa lapor pada saat ada hal-hal yang mencurigakan matur nuwun
  4. ZURIG

    ZURIG Ads.id Starter

    Dec 5, 2006
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  5. Feriel

    Feriel Newbie

    Aug 5, 2006
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    Kalo menurutku, kayaknya gak perlu takut2 banget kena banned kalo memang kitanya lurus-lurus aja...

    Gw pernah mengalami kenaikan CTR yg dramatis banget di stat adsense gw, agak keringetan juga, tapi gw lalu berinisiatif ng-email Google. Sekedar buat referensi gini emailnya:

    Dear Google Team,

    I sent this email as I watched my CTR rates are dramatically increasing recently, while I did nothing but made some page-optimization here and there to my website, www.mysite.com.

    Your Adsense program is IMPORTANT to me and the LAST thing I would want to do is jeopardize my account with you!

    While I am happy of the fact that my site can deliver your ads to a targeted audience and that I can gain a small revenue stream this way, however this significant increasing rate still worries me...

    I don't want my account marked as suspect since I do an honest business here. So, I'd like to ask for your help to verify if there's something wrong with the clicks.

    I am keen to resolve this and look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Trus, gini replynya..kalo menurut gw simpatik and fair banget policynya.


    Thanks for letting us know about this situation. I understand that you're concerned about the recent activity you've noticed on your site.

    Unfortunately, due to the proprietary nature of our technology, we're not able to disclose any specific details about the clicks on the Google ads on your site. I can assure you, however, that we've noted your input and we'll continue to monitor your situation.

    I also wanted to let you know that in the future, we may adjust your payment for any days during which invalid clicks occurred. This helps us protect the integrity of the AdSense program and properly credit advertisers for any invalid activity.

    Jadi intinya, tunjukin kalau kita punya itikad baik dan posisi kita dg adsense adalah partner yg saling menguntungkan and melindungi kepentingan masing2.

    Moga2 manfaat...
  6. tsuneo1986

    tsuneo1986 Ads.id Pro

    Mar 19, 2006
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    ya asal jangan maen klik yang ngawur, betul

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