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Desktop Adsense Machine

Discussion in 'Adsense Toolbox' started by aryces, Apr 14, 2008.

  1. aryces

    aryces Newbie

    Apr 14, 2008
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    Who wants to add one more incredible automated tool to their Google Adsense Content Site Builder arsenal? This cutting edge Desktop Robot automatically finds Articles, builds content rich Adsense sites with them, and even uploads the completed sites to your server!

    Are you ready to start building your Adsense empire quickly and easily?

    Until now, it's required hundreds of hours of technical work and complicated systems to make any money. Until today, you've had to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars and dozens of hours finding content to build a website with. You've had to have a search engine optimized website designed by a professional and you've had to spend all the time building the website with all the articles you have.

    That's just the beginning...

    You also need to be experienced in "multiple" complicated software programs to build these websites. But this roller coaster of wasted time and money is over, with a new system called Desktop Adsense Cash Machine. But you need a content rich website to attract search engines, visitors, and clicks to your Adsense Ads. Let's face it, you can't make any money with Adsense if you don't have quality sites to grab search engine traffic with. If no one will visit, the search engines won't index you and no one will click on your ads which means, no income. It can be intimidating when you think about putting together a content rich site. You look at the big portal sites and they have teams of writers, editors and contributors that add hundreds of new pages of content every day. Then you have the guys who pump out hundreds of trash sites every month and have to keep doing that every month because the search engines find their sites and de-index them. Pretty easy to get confused and lost in all the hype of making Adsense profitable.

    Here's just some of what Desktop Adsense Cash Machine will do for you:
    * Simple & Sleek To Use - This isn't some complicated software that takes weeks or months to learn. You'll be building your first site just minutes after opening it!
    * You Pick A Subject And You Get Articles - Desktop Adsense Cash Machine will go out and hunt down articles on the subject you choose automatically!
    * Super Fast Site Builder - After you have all the articles you need, the super fast site builder portion of the program will put together a smoking hot website for you in just seconds. Even if it's thousands of pages!

    Bagaimana menjadikan adsense sebagai mesin uang...
    gunakan desktop Adsense Machine 1.4
  2. scarface

    scarface Super Hero

    Nov 13, 2007
    Likes Received:
    garut gito loh
    Bagaimana menjadikan adsense sebagai mesin uang?ya kerja keras,posting,posting,posting 1000x..kalo mau cepet ya rampok aja bank :shakehands:
  3. duniaanda

    duniaanda Newbie

    Mar 18, 2008
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    Jakarte gitu dech...
    betul mas, semua butuh kerja keras :)
  4. Milala366

    Milala366 Banned

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Wah banyak yang ngutip2 artikel aja nech...
    klo bisa artikelnya bahasa inggris biar teman2 di sini juga pada tahu...
  5. fanzaholic

    fanzaholic Ads.id Pro

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Maksudnya apa sih ?

    Gak mudeng nih! mungkin pointnya adalah disuruh kerja keras kali ya

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