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cpm yang bagus, apa ya....?

Discussion in 'Program PPC Lainnya' started by brainet, Mar 2, 2007.

  1. jiahia

    jiahia Ads.id Starter

    Jul 7, 2007
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    Barusan tanya ke supportnya dibalas:

    Hi, CPX pays on net 30 terms with a $50.00 minimum. Payments are sent out 30 days after the close of the month the minimum is reached. Therefore, if you reached the minimum for May, your check was sent out the first week of July. If you are set to receive paypal and reached the minimum, your account would have already been funded. Please contact us back if you did indeed reach the minimum and haven't received payment from us. Although keep in mind, for international accounts it takes 2-3 weeks for checks to arrive.

    Thank You,
  2. cuple

    cuple Ads.id Pro

    Sep 18, 2005
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    Ga boleh jeng, musti nanya tp ke account representativenya sampean.. Kalau AR ku namanya mas Joy Dean.. orgnya lumayan happy joy joy joy..


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