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CDO - Candao.io - Decentralized Social Network

Discussion in 'Mata Uang Kripto' started by brovink, Feb 9, 2023.

  1. brovink

    brovink Newbie

    Jul 2, 2014
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    Informasi original ver English - Silahkan di terjemahkan :

    Candao is a Decentralized Social Network that connects people with similar business and social goals to inspire, engage, and build values. For the first time in human history, the heart of any social network, such as our friendships and followers, but also something new – referrals, have become your property. You may see them in your OnChain Profile and own them with just a wallet. You may maximize your potential by participating yourself and your community in the creation and distribution of social tokens.

    Nama Token : CANDAO
    Symbol : CDO
    Initial supply : 111.500.000
    Total supply : 2.500.000.000

    Launch : infonay End Q2 2023

    Untuk bergabung dengan CANDAO harus menggunakan link referal / invitation code

    website : https://s.id/candao

    terima kasih
  2. Enjoy2Trip

    Enjoy2Trip Super Hero

    Apr 1, 2015
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    crypto skrg lg winter, hehehe
    brovink likes this.

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