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Apakaha account saya sudah di banned oleh google adsense?

Discussion in 'Account GA di-Banned' started by bunkim, Oct 24, 2007.

  1. bunkim

    bunkim Newbie

    Oct 2, 2007
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    hi para master google adsense-id,

    mau tanya nih :(?
    Apakah saya udah di banned selamanya kalo saya uda dapat info seperti ini dari google adsense ?
    ada cara bisa actifin lagi tdk?
    tolong bantuannya dong para master adsense


    Account Not Active
    An AdSense account does not exist for this login, as it is associated with an unapproved application. For more information about your application, please review the message we sent to the email address you provided with your application.

    It has come to our attention that invalid clicks and/or impressions
    have been generated on the Google ads on your site(s). We have
    therefore disabled your Google AdSense account. Please understand that
    this was a necessary step to protect the interests of AdWords

    As you may know, a publisher's site may not have invalid clicks or
    impressions on any ad(s), including but not limited to clicks and/or
    impressions generated by:

    - a publisher on his own web pages
    - a publisher encouraging others to click on his ads
    - automated clicking or surfing programs, or any other deceptive
    - a publisher altering any portion of the ad code or changing the
    layout, behavior, targeting, or delivery of ads for any reason

    These or any other such activities that violate Google AdSense Terms
    and Conditions and program polices may have led us to disable your
    account. The Terms and Conditions and program polices can be viewed at:


    If you have any questions about invalid activity or the action taken on
    your account, please do not reply to this email. You can find more
    information by visiting


    The Google AdSense Team
  2. leonardo11

    leonardo11 Ads.id Fan

    Aug 9, 2007
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    innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun.... turut berduka om .... keliatannya om udah kena banned karena terindikasi click fraud .... coba dech buat account lagi dengan alamat yang beda, dan jauhi click sendiri atau ngajak orang untuk ngeklik dan yang lebih penting tetep semangat dan terus berusaha untuk maju:)

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