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Apa beda Extention, modul dan plugin joomla?

Discussion in 'Mambo/Joomla' started by Filter, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. Filter

    Filter Newbie

    Aug 9, 2007
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    Ada yang bisa menjelaskan nggak?
    gimana caranya pake extention, modul dan plugin.
    terus sebenarnya bedanya di mana sich?
  2. yudhis97

    yudhis97 Super Hero

    Dec 20, 2005
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    extention adalh menyebut semua fungsi tambahan untuk joomla misalnya component, modul, plugin (mambot)
    A component can be thought of as an application within an application. Components are applications that are built upon the Joomla! framework. A good analogy (at least for me) is to think of Joomla! as an operating system like Windows, and components as programs that run on the operating system. Going with that analogy, I like to think of the Joomla! content component (com_content) as the word processor (like Microsoft Word).
    Kesimpulannya komponent itu buat aplikasi yang bisa berjalan sendiri dijoomla kayak forum, galery, buku tamu dst
    A module further extends your Joomla! site by performing side functions outside of the component. Modules can be used to perform just about any task you can think of. They are typically used to display menus, lists, banners, and other little tidbits of content. I like to think of modules as being like little widgets that perform a simple, specific, necessary task that cannot be handled efficiently by components.
    Kesimpulannya komponent itu buat aplikasi tambahan yang lebih sederhana dari component dan tidak bisa berjalan sendiri misalnya modul banner, modul diskusi terakhir dari forum, modul adsense.
    Mambots have a variety of uses, but they typically perform a specific function to extend the functionality of a component. In Joomla! 1.0.x, there are five different types of mambots: content, editors, editors-xtd, search, and system.
  3. N-K_Person

    N-K_Person Ads.id Fan

    Aug 9, 2007
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    bedanya sama plugin apa mas?
  4. p3rf3ctg3ntl3m4n

    p3rf3ctg3ntl3m4n Hero

    Oct 17, 2007
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    kalau plugins di joomla 2 ada pengertian
    kadang kala mambot itu sendiri disebut plugins

    dilain sisi terkadang ada plugins yang di khususkan buat component2 tertentu aje

    misalnya component SEF nya Artio
    mereka membuat plugins2 tambahan misalnya utk virtuemart

    moga membantu:senyum:

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