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menangkal fraud klik dari org iseng

Discussion in 'Adsense Tips' started by amanzairah, Jun 12, 2008.

  1. amanzairah

    amanzairah Ads.id Pro

    May 10, 2008
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    saya mau tanya nih.. mudah2an ada yg bs membantu bagaimana cara menghindari fraud click dari orang iseng, soalnya sudah beberapa hari ini blog adsense ku dilanda fraud click. satu hari sampe 300 klik tp earningnya cuma $8. kalau begini terus bahaya ga?
  2. shireishou

    shireishou Super Hero

    Mar 22, 2007
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    Pondok Cabe
    berapa % itu 300 klik? LAPOR deh kalau diatas 10% atau diatas 5% aja aku sih dah lapor
    trus trus.. pake trackign site ga? IP yg mencurigakan ada ga? pas naik kliknya kk perhatikan kapan pas IP mana masuk. aku sih dl ad yg gitu aku block IP pake plugin wp-ban ^^
  3. don123

    don123 Newbie

    Jun 12, 2008
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    waktu search di yahoo aku ketemu site adsenseshield.com
    Aku ngga tau ini bagus atau ngga, tapi gratis script.
    Isinya gini:
    That's why I made this PHP script for you, that you can install on your site, that will hide your AdSense ads and show your OTHER ads for 24 hours to keep people from clicking too often.

    Hides your AdSense ads for 24 hours to prevent click fraud
    Shows some other alternate ad chosen by you containing whatever you want:
    Yahoo! ads
    Clickbank ads
    Commission Junction / eBay / Amazon
    Goes on all your pages easily by editing one file
    Doesn't break AdSense terms of service
    Uses PHP and Apache. Minimal knowledge of htaccess required.
    Free download! Opt-in below.
    Even big earners could have their accounts frozen for weeks while an investigation takes place with no guarantee of having their accounts re-activated or getting the funds that were already in there but now have been forfeited.

    Why risk it when the solution is so simple, and better yet, Free?
  4. depert

    depert Newbie

    May 30, 2008
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    wah sip coba lihat dulu websitenya, mau coba scriptnya.
    btw, kalo pake tracker, pake tracker apa ya yang bagus dan free ?
    biar tau ip yang click ?
  5. freedomfighter

    freedomfighter Ads.id Starter

    Jun 11, 2007
    Likes Received:
    neh coba kesini ad script nya gua dah coba dan hasil nya tob heheh http://www.asrep.com/
    Track the Details of AdSense Activity on Your Pages in Real-Time

    asRep is a tool for tracking the details of Google AdSense activity on your web pages in real-time. It tracks the impressions of the pages and the ad units, the clicks to the ad units, and the searches performed through the search boxes. asRep also reports related information about your websites, the referring websites, the visitors, and the AdSense elements on your pages.

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