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(Nanya) bagamana validasi ebaypartnernetwork mnegunakan blogspot.com???

Discussion in 'Affiliate Program' started by pakheru, Aug 14, 2010.

  1. pakheru

    pakheru Newbie

    Jul 4, 2010
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    sperti judul diatas buat master2 ebay PN mau nanya: cara validasi EPN dengan blog berbasis blogspot.com:hmm:

    saya ingit ikut EPN tapi saat saya dapat email untuk memverrikasi domain :
    You are required to provide each domain that will drive traffic for this account by following the activation instructions. [​IMG]
    saya klik intruksinya keluar :

    How do I validate a domain?

    To validate a domain:

    • On your computer, create a blank, plain text file, and save it with the name epndomain.txt.
    • Find your activation code (a unique alphanumeric string associated with your account) at one of the following locations:
      • On the eBay Partner Network web site, click the Account tab, and then click Domains. The activation code is listed on the Domains page.
      • In your email, open the account confirmation message from the eBay Partner Network. The activation code is listed in the email.
    • Copy the activation code, paste it in the file epndomain.txt, and save the file.
    • Upload the file epndomain.txt to the root directory of your web site. So, if your web site location is hxxp://mysite.com, the text file could be accessed at the URL hxxp://mysite.com/epndomain.txt.
    • On the eBay Partner Network web site, click the Account tab, and then click Domains.
    • On the Domains page in the Add Domain field, type your domain name after the text hxxp://. For example:
      • If you want to validate the domain mysite.com, the text in the Add Domain field would be hxxp://mysite.com.
      • If you want to validate the subdomain me.mysite.com, the text in the Add Domain field would be hxxp://me.mysite.com. Ensure you enter the entire domain name, not just hxxp://me or hxxp://mysite.com.
    • Click Add.
    • If you want to validate additional domains, repeat the procedure for adding domains until all of the domains you want to validate a) have the file epndomain.txt in their root folders, and b) have been added to your list of domains on the Domains page eBay Partner Network site.
    • Once your domains are ready for validation, click Confirm Domains.
    • Once a domain is validated, the Confirmation Status for the domain that appears on the Domains page changes to Confirmed. You must leave the file epndomain.txt in the root folder for your web site until your web site's activation is complete, and the status displays as Confirmed.
    • Once a domain is validated, you can remove the file epndomain.txt from the root folder of the web site.

    lha ini saya yang bingung gimana mengupload file epndomain.txt keblog berbasis blogspot(dot)com??? dan weadresnya menjadi hxxp://websaya.com/epndomain.txt?? udah nyari sama mbah google ampe 2 jam g ketemu2:nangis:
    mohon bantuanya.. ya itung2 beramal dibulan romadhon banyak pahalanya lho boz..:silau:
  2. pekalongan

    pekalongan Super Hero

    Jan 26, 2010
    Likes Received:
    make verifikasi via meta-tag bisa gak gan? pan kayak google ama yahoo bisa 2 pilihan, upload file atau nambah line meta
  3. pakheru

    pakheru Newbie

    Jul 4, 2010
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    g bisa pake meta-tag boz.. harus .html coba pake wordpress dah bikin postingan kode.html jadinya malah hxxp://art-center/9521bhhdfrg51-html koq g bisa 9521bhhdfrg51.html
  4. blackmamba21

    blackmamba21 Ads.id Fan

    Sep 21, 2009
    Likes Received:
    maksudnya dipasangnya di postingan..?
    bukannya harusnya di upload ya ke root folder domainnya..? biar jadinya hxxp://art-center/9521bhhdfrg51.html
  5. ipankss

    ipankss Ads.id Pro

    Nov 6, 2007
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    upload aja di root folder nanti jadinya hxxp:.//.domain.com/epndomain.txt nah di dalam epndomain.txt itu nanti diisi Unique Identifier yang kita dapat di email pada saat kita mendaftar. untuk proses selanjutnya ane ga tau, soalnya masih nunggu prosesnya
  6. budiadsense

    budiadsense Newbie

    Feb 18, 2010
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    nyimak dulu ah... sapa tahu kecipratan ilmu..
  7. Ansen

    Ansen Newbie

    Nov 18, 2010
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    :-Bkayaknya gk bs tuk blogspot, kl pun dipaksain katanya bs2 kt di kluarkan dr EPN.
    cb tengok koment2nya org bule tu di

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