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Jika PIN dikirim,saya tidak ditempat

Discussion in 'Western Union' started by qqrizki, Jul 21, 2011.

  1. kampreto

    kampreto Super Hero

    Jul 3, 2010
    Likes Received:
    wajur kalau hal ini didengar direktorat pajak :))
  2. qqrizki

    qqrizki Ads.id Starter

    Jan 22, 2011
    Likes Received:
    ane di usa gan,..yg tax-nya ribet..:pusing:

    ---------- Post added at 12:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 AM ----------

    Jiaaaaah,...pedih amat itu kayanya ya?setahun ngumpulin, di tengah jalan ke banned...:nangis2:

    ---------- Post added at 12:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 AM ----------

    Aganers, barusan buka imel dan dapet jawaban saat kemaren ane coba mengubah 'negara':


    We have received your request to update the country of your AdSense account.

    For tax and security reasons, we are unable to change the country or territory field of an existing payment address. Therefore, if you would like to change your country field, you'll need to close your current AdSense account and then submit a new application with your updated mailing address.

    Prior to closing your account, please be aware that the account settings and reports associated with your original account cannot be transferred to your new account. This means that you'll need to update your webpages with the ad code generated by your new account and duplicate any existing channel settings.

    Additionally, you must also be able to receive a Personal Identification Number (PIN) via standard mail at the new address that you submit.

    To complete this change, please follow the steps outlined below.

    1. Send a request to close your current account

    If your account balance is greater than the cancellation threshold and you have no payment holds in the account, then your remaining earnings will be paid out within 90 days to your chosen payment method.

    You can find information about cancellation thresholds for different countries. Possible reasons for payment holds are listed at httx/blablablabla

    Because we will not be able to send your payment to your new country, you may wish to keep your bank account open until your last payment has been processed (if you're being paid by EFT). Alternatively, you might prefer to update your payment address to send the payment to a friend or relative who can forward it to your new country.

    2. Once your account has been closed, you can submit a new application using a different email address at httx/blablablabla

    3. After your new account is approved you need to set it up to receive payment according to instructions at page httx/blablablabla

    We'll review your application and provide you with a response within 2-7 days.

    We appreciate your patience and cooperation.


    The Google AdSense Team

    Ane putuskan sesuai saran si mbah, mau ubah alamat yang di Indonesia pake alamat teman/sodara/ncang/ncing/enyak/babeh,....makasih saran2 dan masukannya ya aganers......:senyum: sekarang, saatnya mosting kembali,...:semangat!:
  3. gchangetok

    gchangetok Newbie

    Jun 30, 2011
    Likes Received:
    masta kalo dirumah kagak ada orang begimana?? apa tu surat balik lagi ke gugle. surem belum dapet pin hiks

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